your pathway to
understanding the bible...
on your own!


about 'revealed truth'
the TMSW bible study

your bible comes alive like never before

Whether you are a new Bible student, or your Bible has become a time-weathered friend, there’s sure to be something for you among the material in the TMSW Revealed Truth Bible study. Revealed Truth is a comprehensive Bible course rather than a study of specific books of the Bible. 

The study’s end goal is to help you develop and/or increase your ability to accurately understand the Bible — as revealed by the Holy Spirit — for yourself … no Bible college or seminary degrees required. The primary method employed for accomplishing this objective is to present in-depth lessons covering several essential topics. The primary focus of the study is Biblical blood covenant, a universal Biblical theme that is generally not given much attention.

Detailed studies of books of the Bible or Biblical themes, as well as commentaries and self-help books abound on the shelves of Christian bookstores and online. Most of these studies are presented by individuals who are considered to be ‘qualified’ to teach because they hold seminary degrees and/or positions such as church pastors.  Revealed Truth is different in that the teacher (that would be me, Peter Giardina) does not have any of the credentials customarily required to teach in most Christian institutions. So it is fitting that I tell you a little about myself.

My name is Peter Giardina and I have been born again since 1983. My testimony is quite dramatic and too lengthy to include here. Suffice it to say, I had an encounter with the Lord in a most unusual way. Not long after that, I was led to attend a Christian university where I completed half of their Master of Divinity program. I only completed half of the program because just as I was led to go to the university, I was also led to leave. Already a student of the Bible, I continued reading and studying on my own with the Lord’s help and have done so to this time. Shortly after leaving the university, I was led to attend a weekend retreat. On the second day of the retreat, one of the two participating pastors gave a talk. During his message he  shared some facts about how covenants are made. He did this by referencing a passage about the covenant made between Jonathan (king Saul’s son and heir to the throne) and David who had been anointed as the next king of Israel. While the pastor was talking, I began to receive additional insight into Biblical blood covenant and many of my questions about the Bible were being answered. As a result, I began to see the Bible  as one united story rather than a series of disjointed events. I have been studying Biblical blood covenant since that experience.

I present the above brief synopsis of my background to make a point: If someone like me, a person with no seminary degrees and nothing that would qualify me as a teacher in most Christian institutions, could receive an in-depth knowledge of a little understood Biblical theme such as blood covenant, then you (yes, even you) can also receive significant insights into the hidden truth of the Bible. No seminary degrees necessary.

Herein is the big secret you are not supposed  to know. YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE ON YOUR OWN. The religious powers that be do not want you to know that one fact, because just your knowing can have huge unfavorable repercussions for Christian institutions of all sizes. I recognize that is a bold, extravagant claim, but if you actually can understand the Bible without the assistance of ‘qualified’ teachers, and you actually do begin to understand on your own, then your dependency on religious institutions is greatly diminished and their control over you is drastically reduced.

And that is the nut of it.

Assuming you can gain understanding on your own, there must be a way it is accomplished. There are two important criteria. The first is knowledge. This is a necessary ingredient because you must know something before you can understand it. The best source for obtaining knowledge of the Bible is the Bible. That means you have to actually read it. Everyday. However, understanding is not obtained simply by acquiring more and more knowledge. Biblical understanding is not taught and it cannot be learned like history or mathematics. Rather, it is received. To be precise, understanding comes by way of Holy Spirit revelations of truth, and of course, Jesus is the Truth.

That’s right. If you are born again, you have received the Holy Spirit, and He will teach you all things. I’m not saying that, Jesus is:

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and  bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” (John 14:26)

 And if you have the Holy Spirit as your teacher, you have no need for anyone to teach you as the apostle, John, wrote:

As for you, the anointing [the Holy Spirit] which you received from Him [Jesus] abides in you [who are born again], and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him. (1 John 2:27)

What better teacher could you ask for than the Holy Spirit since He wrote the entire Bible. If you are not receiving revelations of understanding from the Holy Spirit, then you can legitimately ask why not. The Holy Spirit abides within every born again believer. And He does communicate with you. He actually talks to you in your own language. That’s not my idea, it’s what Jesus teaches:

 But when He [the Holy Spirit]the Spirit of truth, comes, He will  guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” (John 16:13)

Jesus says the Holy Spirit will speak to you, and He will speak all of the truth to you. And Jesus says the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Doesn’t it make great sense to seek to hear all the truth from the Holy Spirit rather than some of the truth from a qualified teacher? 

Having said the above about not needing any other teacher, it is necessary for me to offer a clarification: I am not saying believers should not ever listen to any human teachers. Of course all believers can benefit from the teaching of teachers who are also receiving revelations of Truth from the Holy Spirit. Having the Holy Spirit and receiving revelations of Truth is the key. When it comes to receiving revelations of Truth, seminary degrees are irrelevant. Believers should not be listening to such teachers regardless of how many Church-approved qualifications they may have.

Since the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost 2,000 years ago all true believers have been blessed to have the Holy Spirit residing within them. Therefore, every believer became a teacher, though not all have received the God-given responsibility to be a teacher of an assembly of believers. God’s plan for edifying the body of Christ is for all to receive and all to share revelations of Truth from the Holy Spirit.

Paul addressed the topic of how meetings of the body of Christ are to be conducted. After teaching about the gifts of the Spirit, Paul writes:

26 What is the outcome [of the exercising of the gifts of the Spirit] then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a  psalm, has a  teaching, has a  revelation, has a  tongue, has an  interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. 

27 If anyone speaks in a  tongue, it should be by two or at the most three, and each in turn, and one must  interpret; 

28 but if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God. 

29 Let two or three  prophets speak, and let the others  pass judgment. 

30 But if a revelation is made to another who is seated, the first one must keep silent. 

31 For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all may be exhorted; 

32 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets; 

33 for God is not a God of  confusion but of  peace, as in  all the churches of the  saints. (1Corinthians 14:26-33)

Verse 26 makes clear that when believers assemble to worship the Lord everyone can and should participate in the teaching by sharing revelations of Truth from the Holy Spirit. Paul explains that these revelations can be presented in the form of tongues or in the believer’s native language which he considers to be prophesies. Receiving revelations of Truth from the Holy Spirit is the way individual believers are edified (built up) and shared revelations are the way the body is edified. That is God’s intended way and it is not accomplished when one person speaks from a podium while the congregation remains silent.

What You’ll Discover In Revealed Truth

Due to the nature of Biblical blood covenant, and the perfect ministry of Jesus Christ which culminated in His death on a cross, all true believers have a blood covenant relationship with Jesus Christ. Further, because of their covenant relationship with Jesus all true believers also have an eternal covenant relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Learning about this special relationship will explain the true nature of becoming and being born again. With this knowledge received and accepted, you can move into a place where you can hear great revelations of truth from the Holy Spirit, and the Bible will begin to be more real to you than you ever imagined.

If this is something you desire, please start the Revealed Truth Bible study today. Travel through the study beginning with the first lesson and advancing to the last and you will make many new discoveries such as:

      • The true meaning of repentance.
      • The full Biblical meaning of becoming born again.
      • Exactly how Jesus’ death and resurrection made the way for you to enter into a covenant relationship with Him and the Father.
      • The true meaning of, “Two become one” and “I in you and you in me” and many other covenant expressions.
      • Why Jesus taught with parables, not some of the time, but all the time.
      • Why Jesus explained the parables to the disciples.
      • Why Jesus said it was to the disciple’s advantage if He went away.
      • How the eternal blood covenant has jurisdiction over the entire world today.
      • The true meaning of the Righteous Judgment of God.
      • How the Righteous Judgment of God is at work in the world today.
      • The necessity of walking in sanctification after repentance.
      • and much more.

Let me remind you, Revealed Truth is a complete Bible study, so it has a beginning and an end. Therefore, the best way to do the study is to begin with lesson one and continue with each successive lesson until you have completed all of the lessons.Of course, if you would rather not proceed in that manner, please feel free to read any lesson(s) you wish in any order you prefer.

Thank you for your attention.

Have a blessed day in the Lord,

Peter Giardina

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Peter Giardina

    This is a test comment.


    this is what i needed thank you kindly God for sending the more sure word my way amen forever greatful
    the introduction was very well pleased thank you thank you i needed this to see and hear and study

    1. Peter Giardina

      Thank you, Karseim — looking forward to moving ahead.

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