your pathway to
understanding the bible...
on your own!


a brief background of

a brief background of

the more sure word: because you can
understand God's Word ... on your own.

Hello, my name is Peter Giardina and I started “The More Sure Word” (TMSW) in 2011. The look of the site has changed having been recently redesigned, and new articles have been published from then till now, but the goal of “The More Sure Word” has remained the same: to encourage you to believe you can accurately understand the Bible without the assistance of pastors, Bible teachers or theology scholars. Having said that, I want to clarify that I am not making a negative attack on pastors or anyone else the Lord has called to share insights into the Scriptures. All believers can benefit from the instruction of godly teachers who faithfully teach the full gospel as recorded in the Old and New Covenants of the Bible. What I am saying is that every born again believer, can and should be gaining insight into the Word on your own, without the assistance of others. In other words, if you are born again you should be able to read and validly interpret the word of God on your own.

“The More Sure Word” is more than a name for a website, it’s a declaration. First it implies that there must also be a “Sure Word.”  And if there is a “Sure Word” as well as a “More Sure Word,” it behooves every believer in Jesus Christ to know the difference. Also, in a world where there is an enormous amount of confusion and uncertainty, a “Sure Word” is undoubtedly a valuable commodity. A “More Sure Word” would of course be of much greater worth.

The website name makes this declaration: The more sure word is of extremely great value and all believers and followers of Jesus Christ should be seeking it. And this is the value: the more sure word is the pathway to understanding the Bible. When believers receive understanding of God’s Word they are encouraged, edified, consoled and sometimes corrected directly by God through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is my belief  that while many people read the Bible most have little understanding outside of what they are taught from pastors or other teachers. It isn’t suppose to be that way. represents my attempt to make a positive change in that situation.

Jesus made two startling pronouncements that speak directly to this discussion.

“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the   Helper will not come to you; but if I go,  I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7)

It is difficult for me to imagine how how the disciples could have envisioned Jesus going away as possibly being to their advantage. They walked with Him and were taught by Him, and He had power, He healed every kind of sickness and disease and cast out multitudes of demons. They had come to depend on Him, and then He tells them He is going away and it will be to their advantage. However, we find out what the advantage was for them, and also for us who believe, just six verses later.

“But when He,  the Spirit of truth, comes, He will  guide you into all the truthfor He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” (John 16:13)

The great advantage is the Holy Spirit who will guide disciples of Christ, past and present, into ALL the truth. When Jesus says, “All the truth,” he is speaking of how believers understand the word of God. While Jesus was with the disciples, He privately explained the parables to them and gave them insight and understanding of spiritual things and the nature of God and His kingdom. Now that Jesus is physically gone from the world, He speaks to His disciples through His Spirit. That means the Holy Spirit will give great understanding to any and all believers through the Word of God. And in case you missed it, the Holy Spirit gives you the truth by speaking to you, and He speaks in a language you understand. That is the great advantage all believers have.

My conviction is that since all believers have the Holy Spirit residing within them, every believer should be receiving understanding of the Bible directly from the Holy Spirit. That belief was the primary motivation for starting The More Sure Word. Another objective was to share with whom ever would visit the site the understanding I received of what I have labeled Biblical Blood Covenant. My understanding of covenant came primarily through my own study since it is a little taught but very important theme of the Bible. I started the website after I realized that by sharing what I had learned on my own about Biblical Blood Covenant others could be encouraged to believe they could also receive their own understanding. With that revelation, “The More Sure Word” was born.

In order for you to justify spending your time and effort digging into the material in TMSW, I feel it would be helpful for you to know something about me and my walk with the Lord.

I was born again in the Spring of 1983 in quite an unusual way. It’s too long of a story to go into here, but suffice it to say my life was completely changed in an instant. I was profoundly and completely saved and I knew it. My love for the Lord Jesus Christ and dedication to follow Him wherever He would lead has not waned throughout these years.

Not long after becoming born again, I was led to attend a Christian university where I completed half of their Master of Divinity program. I only completed half of the program because just as I was led to go to the university, I was also led to leave. Already a student of the Bible, I continued reading and studying on my own and have done so to this time.

Shortly after leaving the university, I was led to attend a weekend retreat. On the second day of the retreat, one of the two participating pastors gave a talk. During his message he began to share some facts about how covenants are made. He did this by referencing a passage about the covenant made between Jonathan (king Saul’s son and heir to the throne) and David who had been anointed as the next king of Israel. At some point during the pastor’s talk, I began receiving additional insight into Biblical Blood Covenant. I was in an unusual place. It was as if I was in a bubble.  I could still see the pastor and the others in the room and I heard the pastor’s voice, only faintly as though he were in another room. While I was in that situation, I was gaining vast amounts of understanding about covenant. Not only that, but many of my questions about the Bible were being answered and I began to see the Bible  as one united story rather than a book of often disjointed events. This was my introduction to Biblical Blood Covenant and how I began a lifelong study of covenant in the Bible.

I continued to study covenant, reading and studying the Bible every day. After some time, I was led to conduct a covenant Bible study in my home. I developed a study outline and invited a few people from the church my wife and I were attending. Several more groups followed that first group, and I revised and fine-tuned the outline after each study was completed. That outline became the basis for the articles that now appear in the In The Word Bible study on this site. Several articles have been added through the years, but the core subject of the study continues to be Biblical Blood Covenant.

In addition to the covenant study, other features to be found here at TMSW are a blog where I post additional articles on blood covenant as well as such topics as the Church and the body of Christ, the true nature of repentance, the Rapture and the day of the Lord.

 The Seminars and Sermons section includes videos of teachers from the past I believe have significant messages for the body of Christ today. My goal is to continue to post additional videos as I discover them. I am open to and would appreciate your suggestions.

There is also a Free eBook section where you can download books in either of three popular eBook formats at no charge. I added this section to make available books I have written but later included one title I believe has an important message for believers today. I intend to make other titles available as I become aware of them and would appreciate your suggestions. I will review them and put them on the site if I believe they have a timely message and are not protected by copyright.

Thank you for your kind and sincere attention and for visiting The More Sure Word. I pray that you will find the materials included here both challenging and rewarding.

May you have a blessed day in the Lord,

Peter Giardina

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